Wednesday, July 06, 2005


Well...just a little of whats been going on lately. I got a new tattoo on friday, burning shamrock will be posted as soon as it heals up...Sunday Shannon, Jen, Brian, and me headed up to Red Bank to see the fireworks. We parked in Little Silver and took the 0.5 minute train ride from there to Red Bank. We started walking towards the navasink after almost getting run down a block from the train by a chick driving a VW and talking on a cell phone, she pulls away and almost gets t-boned by a cab, we laughed a bit at her and we off once again. thats when we saw this place called Teak. SUSHI woot...So we made a quick stop in there and 4 sushi rolls, 2 each for Brian and me, and 4 drinks later, 1 for all of us. we were all off again with the women stating the obvious that they were alittle tippsy after the 1 martini they each had. Headed down towards the water and watched a great show. then the mad rush back to the train. With my vast knowledge of this lovely city because of my days working as a UPS man, we took a couple of shortcuts. we came to a obsticale though right at the beginning. there was a gate...locked with a chain, gate...very small openning...well me and bright ideas went for it...and some nice movements I popped right on thru...and after everyone stopped laughing at me the slid right thru and we continued to the train. waited for what seemed like and hour for the train and laughing people getting arrested for walking on the tracks. It was the only means of entertainment...about every couple minutes or so the crowd would cheer as the cop is walking down the tracks with someone. We made back to my jeep and we were off to home. On the 4th me and shannon headed over to Jays house to hang out and have a good ole fashion BBQ. We drank, we ate, we set off fireworks, we watched fireworks, and the best part of the night we sat in the front yard and well....made fun of just about everyone passing the house coming back from the fireworks. After shannon punched me in the nuts for throwing we were off to home and get ready for the DMB concert on tuesday. Shannon and I headed out to the concert alittle after 4 and it wasn't to long till we hit a thunderstorm and downpour. but that did not deter me since i knew we had covered seats and all will be well when we get there. we pull into camden and make our way past the slums to get to the place of music. line of traffic to park. so i started talking to a camden officer and it got to the point where i said i worked for the State Police and he was really, go park up front in Police Parking. when he meant up front he meant UP FRONT... We park right next to the Tweeter center. We had a awesome time as usual seeing DMB in concert and headed out after the show jumped in the jeep and beat the traffic out. On the way home we decide to get some mcdonalds in Medford...that was a joke no frigging cheeseburgers after 11 what the hell is that shit...its a 24 hours mcdonalds and they don't sell frigging cheeseburgers for late night. we headed on home after having to getting a chicken sandwich. we made it home in good time and can't wait to go see DMB next year again. Well until next time "Nice Halo, Homo"


At 10:25 AM, Blogger Andrew said...

put up da pictures!


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